Saturday, November 22, 2008

Stage Is Being Set!, The [Updated 11/2008]A prophetic messageUnstable global financial markets, waves of bankruptcy, deepening unemployment, economic busts, markets plunging, collapsing consumer confidence, banking systems crashing—it does not seem that there is any place on earth immune from the financial crisis.Can someone save the world from a global economic meltdown? Who has the wisdom to deal with the crisis?As economies crumble, poverty soars, and financial gloom spreads like wildfire, one thing is certain: Never before has there been such a need for someone to step up to the world's economic helm.The repercussions of economic globalization are bigger than anyone ever imagined. The effect that one nation's financial woes has on others and ultimately the rest of the world is unprecedented. There's a need for someone to man the controls, someone who can rescue the world from further turmoil.Who will be able to rescue the world from this mess? Where have all the leaders gone? Who is capable?There is someone. He's been behind the scenes for some time now, waiting backstage to make his entrance. Although he's not been in the public eye, he has nevertheless been demonstrating his deft capabilities. Though he's unknown to most people, his presence can be felt as he manipulates and put things in line and sets the stage for his grand entrance.There is a strongman behind the scenes who is bringing to the attention of the world the need for a savior, someone to come forward and take the reins. He's been proving to the world that there is a need for someone to bring order out of the chaos and to save the global financial and economic system from grinding to a complete halt. So keep a keen eye on the headlines and news. Keep your eyes open and your ear to the ground, because it won't be long.He hasn't found it necessary to take control violently through warring with one nation after another, but has found a far more successful way to bring the globe to its knees: economics. By this means he has been systematically breaking down country after country, and will continue to do so until the governments of the world scream "uncle!"—at which time this superman will step on the scene, introducing his one world order and the establishment of his master plan to solve the world's financial problems: a new global digital monetary system.If this sounds like good news to you—that finally the world's economic woes will be ended—take a closer look. Though the peace and stability this leader will offer will seem good in the beginning, as he helps restore the world economy and brings peace to troubled regions like the Middle East, his solutions will not last long.The peace and security he will offer will come at a high price—it could cost you your freedom, as well as your soul. His regime will require that you receive his mark in your forehead or on your hand. Without it you won't be able to buy or sell. Those who refuse to accept it will face grave consequences.The peace and security he will offer will not last, because it is false. It's only a counterfeit of the real peace and security that only I can give. His goal is to win as many over to his side as he can, before I return to set up the only true and righteous government, one ruled by truth and love. This impostor's false peace and safety is not founded on enduring values, but on pride, hate, greed, and selfishness—all of which will fall in the end.The global financial crunch happening right now is setting the stage and paving the way for this false savior and usurper who is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the world. It won't be long before all the people of the world will have to make a choice. You will have to choose between the good or the evil—the false system of this pseudo-savior, the Antichrist, or My true righteous spiritual kingdom of truth and love. For I am the true Christ, the only true Savior of the world.If you want freedom that will last, if you want lasting solutions to your problems, ask Me today for My help. I'll not only help you through these difficult times and show you the way out of the mess this world is in, but I'll give you My free gift of eternal life—free entrance into the new World of Tomorrow when I will establish My righteous government on earth, one based on truth and love. The one who is at this moment marshaling his forces behind the scenes is the counterfeit—the Antichrist—who speaks lies to deceive the nations. Which side will you choose?All you have to do to receive My help is to simply ask for it by saying: "Yes, Jesus, I choose You. Please show me Your truth. Fill me with Your love, and give me Your eternal life. Teach me Your ways and how I can make it through the days ahead. Help me to learn about You, to stand up for the right, and to share Your truth with others."If you choose to call on Me for help, then as we become more acquainted in the days ahead I will show you more about the coming events and how to prepare for them. If you choose Me, you will never have to fear, for I am able to protect you and provide for you through miraculous means. I will always care for you, and will teach you how to live entirely independent from the false new world order, until the day when I return to earth Myself and establish righteous rule over all the world.—JesusIllustrated by David KomicWeb: E-mail: © 2008 The Family International

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Better Than Money in the Bank

---An Important Message from JESUS for You!!!

There is a lot of economic gloom and doom right now. The economy had been racing up the hill of “fortune,” but discovered too late that at the top there was a precipice. Before the brakes could be applied it careened over the cliff and is in free fall. Where the bottom is, no one knows.A few wise heads had warned of this for years, but the temptation of making a fast buck was a strong pull for many. They saw paper fortunes being made hand over fist, and even though their better judgment may have been screaming out, “Don’t do it!” they found it irresistible. But “boom” is always followed by “bust,” and this was no exception.Quick money is alluring, and following sound economic theory is boring for many investors. Even though safeguards are put in place after every economic crash, it doesn’t take long for the lessons of history to be forgotten. Those who think they know better invest recklessly and bring this kind of mess on everyone. This time it all started because somesmart-but-not-wise people thought they could make money by giving loans to people they knew would most likely not be able to repay them. These so called subprime loans were only one trick.The next idea was to take a lot of these loans and package them up into very complex “collateralized debt obligations” and other risky “financial derivatives” and then sell them to others as investments in the hopes the loans would one day be repaid. Banks and other investors all over the world bought and sold these things that they knew probably had no real value.Does this sound mad to you? It did to many at first, but somehow, like the old tale of the emperor’s new clothes, enough investors and financiers thought they were exquisite, and eventually nearly everyone began to think it was economic wisdom.Then one day a bank went bust. Soon other banks started failing too. Governments stepped in to the rescue, using their citizens’ tax money. But it hasn’t helped much, because it turned out that many banks had numerous bad investments that they either hid or didn’t know about. Pessimism set in, and the stock markets dropped dramatically in price as investors realized companies were worth much less than their inflated value. Some people have already lost everything including the shirts off their backs. And with many others no longer having much money to spend, the market in luxury and other non-necessity items has abruptly slowed, and people incompanies catering to that market are losing their jobs. Then the effect cascades into the economy in general. The result is higher unemployment, which then means fewer people have money to spend, so more people lose their jobs, and on and on it goes. This is the simple version of what is actually a very complicated process.So why am I talking to you about the economy? The fact is that I am interested in you and all humanity, and I hurt when you hurt. I want to help, and I will if you ask Me to. I might not put money in the bank for you, but it has already been promised that I will provide for those who give to others and who do what they can to help others in difficulty. And more than this, I will put hope in your heart, which will give you greater ability to ride out the crisis.Many people place their faith and hope in financial security, but it is better to put your faith and hope in Me, for material security is no security at all. It is a house of cards that falls flat when you lean on it. But I am reliable, and I will see you and your loved ones through any crisis, financial or otherwise. You are of great value to Me, and I want to show you that I can be valuable to you. Humanity is My business, and I will not let anyone down who puts his or her faith in Me and joins My company.If you are wise and have the wherewithal, it’d be good to make some preparations for further instability, such as having a supply of non-perishable food, drinking water, and other necessities on hand for short-term emergencies. If you can, have your savings in a few different currencies. It is also wise to invest in things that will retain their value, such as gold, that will provide you with a tradable commodity if paper currency or stocks lose their value altogether.I want you to be secure in heart and mind, because greater insecurity is on the horizon for the world and its economy. There are plans afoot in secret quarters to enmesh everyone in a very dangerous new economic order. The infamous global financial system cryptically spoken of in the Bible’s book of Revelation as the “Mark of the Beast”—without which no one will be able to buy or sell—is coming closer to inception every day.Crises like this current one make people yearn for the economic stability that the framers of this new system will proclaim as their aim. The value of the new digital money will be guaranteed, but will come with a price, and that is your allegiance to the global regime that backs it. That coming regime will be the most sinister and tyrannical one that the world has ever seen. Your money may seem safe, but it will cost you as much as your soul.But I am better than money in the bank, more secure than any investment, and more reliable than any nest egg. Let Me into your heart and life today, and you will find that you will always be able to rely on Me to see you through anything. Just tell Me you believe in Me and it is done!
~from JESUS
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