Thursday, October 9, 2008


The prophets have been, by the Spirit of the Lord,
prophecying to the world for over 40 yrs. that this Crash was coming.



and there is a lot more about what is really going on now and the future.


Prepare Now before it's too late.
By Getting-Right with JESUS, the Author and Finisher of our Faith.
Because the author of Confusion (the anti-christ & his followers) are, even now,
consolidating their power and using this crisis to further unite their new world world economies.

They want your souls.
Satan wants the souls of the unbelievers and even those who do not accept Jesus, but try to follow the Father and also to waste the time of the already saved ones.

This is all happening to show what happens when the world rejects JESUS' Love and His Words
and instead follows greed and self-will as Cain.

But it is prophesied and will happen anyway to see what His human creations will choose, good of evil, right or wrong.

Consolidate your friends in JESUS
and help His lambs!

We battle not with flesh & blood.
We fight not with their puny weapons of war,
We fight in Prayer , in His Spirit and the with Words and Ideas of GOD and His angels and helpers against demons and hinderers.

JESUS said Love your enemies and pray for those who mistreat you.
He gives us power in the Spirit over evil,, always.
But it has to be according to New Testiment Law of Love in Christ. But, also HIS Power through Elisha, Moses and the prophets and saints of all ages help us who Love JESUS and His Children of Real Love and Real Peace.

Believers, come together!
Witness your faith & seek the hungry lost sheep at all levels.

The harvest is ripe, laborers are few.
But one with GOD is a majority.

For the wolves gain power now,

So be Good Shepherds, laying down your lives for the sheep,
but not as the nations of this world who war for greed, possessions and temporal wealth, and kill the innocent,

but work for things that are eternal, such as love & kindness & giving for Me, saith the Lord JESUS and for My Kingdom of Love, Justice and Wisdom with the JOY of Free
Salvation and knowing that I am the Winner and King of kings.

Be not deceived.
Wash with My Word!

Prepare now for the Night Comes!

But I am the Dawn and the Bright & Shining Morning Star.
I have a NEW Heaven and Earth for you, waiting the end of disobedient man & satan's foolish empires!

Come unto Me (JESUS) and I will give you Rest and
Power to overcome!

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