Personal characteristics of the Antichrist
Editor: Have you ever wondered if some powerful world leader could be the Antichrist? How will we recognize him? One of the main ways is by his actions—confirming and breaking the Covenant, waging the wars predicted in Daniel 11, etc.—but we'll also recognize him by the personal characteristics the Bible describes him having. Following is a list of those characteristics (based on an article by Joseph Candel in Activated Volume 3, Issue 8):
1. The origin or nationality of the Antichrist.
Ezekiel calls the Antichrist "Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal" (Ezekiel 38:2 NKJ). Scholars agree that the ancient land referred to as Magog is a powerful country north of Israel. Rosh is similar in sound to Russia, and Meshech and Tubal could be renderings of Moscow and Tobolsk. There are also indications that the Antichrist will have something to do with Egypt.
2. The Antichrist will be evil, yet appear as a savior.
"[There] shall stand up a vile person … he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries" (Daniel 11:21). Other versions of the Bible use the word "intrigue" here, in place of "flattery."
"By peace [he] shall destroy many" (Daniel 8:25).
"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day [the Second Coming of Jesus Christ] shall not come, except … that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition" (2 Thessalonians 2:3).
"Then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall … destroy with the brightness of His coming [at the Battle of Armageddon]" (2 Thessalonians 2:8).
"Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers [such as the Antichrist] also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their [evil] works" (2 Corinthians 11:14-15).
3. The Antichrist will be outspoken and have great speaking ability.
"He shall speak great [pompous] words against the Most High" (Daniel 7:25).
"There was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies" (Revelation 13:5).
4. The Antichrist will have a fierce countenance.
"In the latter time [the Endtime, just prior to Jesus' return] … when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up" (Daniel 8:23).
The prophet Daniel also describes him as a man "whose appearance was greater than his fellows" (Daniel 7:20 NKJ). Other translations of the Bible render this phrase "more stout than his fellows," or "more imposing than his fellows."
5. The Antichrist will be very proud.
"The king [the Antichrist] shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper" (Daniel 11:36).
His pride even leads him to declare himself God. "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God" (2 Thessalonians 2:4).
6. The Antichrist will be a military genius.
Daniel describes several major wars that the Antichrist fights against those who oppose him during the last three and a half years of his reign. "He will be a master of deception, defeating many by catching them off guard as they bask in false security. Without warning he will destroy them" (Daniel 8:25 TLB).
"They worshiped the Beast, saying, Who is like unto the Beast? Who is able to make war with him?" (Revelation 13:4).
7. The Antichrist will not desire women.
"Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all" (Daniel 11:37).
8. The Antichrist will have supernatural powers, given him by the Devil.
"His power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully [to an extraordinary degree], and shall prosper" (Daniel 8:24).
"The Dragon [Devil] gave him his power, his throne, and great authority" (Revelation 13:2 NKJ).
"Even him, whose coming is [according to] the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders" (2 Thessalonians 2:9).
"I saw [the Antichrist] as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the Beast" (Revelation 13:3).
"Power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb [Jesus]" (Revelation 13:7-8).
"He shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand" (Daniel 8:25).
Contact: Eric 831 539 8970
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